This model was our origianal model so it's versitility keeps it as a #1 seller. Athough designed to help with wider high cap magazines, there is also a groove inside the mag well, front and rear, to align a 1911 style magazine. Years later and more innovations came along we expanded to a complete line as we offer now. If it is not and ADCO, it's not a Super Thumb. The one that guaranteed not to break.
ST1 21.5mm x 32.5mm • 1-1/4” x 13/16”
Most Double-Stack Magazines
Astra - A80, A90
Beretta - Cougar 8000, 8040, PX4, 92, 96
Bersa Ultra Compact Pro 9, 40, 45
Browning - High Power
CZ 75, 97B
Colt - 2000 and Gov. Model
FNP FNS - 9mm
IMI - Baby Eagle
IWI - Jericho
Keltec - 9mm & 40
Star - 28, 30, 31
S&W - 59, Sigma, M&P 9mm & 40
Sig - 226, 228, 229, 250, 320, SP2022
SCCY - 9mm
Springfield - XDS, XDM, XD40
Steyr - Mod. M, Mod. 9
Taurus - PT92, 111, 917
Ruger - SR9
Walther - P99